Friday, January 21, 2005


Well, the room is finally done. Got my bed, its 3/4 of the way done. Well really the bed's assembled, I just have to put the drawers in. Today I got 100% on my Beowulf reading quiz. Sure its just a reading quiz, but this is probably the only time, I'll ever have 100% in any class. Also, officially signed on for the Curling Club. Two bucks well worth it. Then it was on to beers, and fries with Rexin at the crappy SFU pub. Upon which I had one of the worst Rum and Cokes, that I think I've ever had.
I would have updated this blog during our time in the SFU Library but I got lazy.
Anyway, I think for tomorrow night that, I would very much like to go drinking. Perhaps Karaoke. Perhaps something that involves both. But Im not holding my breath, infact, I predict now that time will be spent in my basement, where upon we will be playing Texas Holdem, for a 2-5 dollar buy in. Either way I still plan on doing some drinking.
Also, in English we watched Beowulf, staring Christopher Lambert, which was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. And it saddens me to think that I may have already seen it before. But it doesn't sadden me as much as the guy who brought Dungeons and Dragons into class today. At any rate I leave you with a list of some of the worst actors out there today: 1. Keanu Reeves 2. George Clooney 3. Christopher Lambert 4. Charlie Sheen 5. I cant think of any others, but Im sure you can.

Current Music: Maroon 5-Sunday Morning,Dandy Warhols-we used to be friends
Current Comic: Gambit-by Layman, Preacher-by Ennis


Blogger MR said...

terrible actors
any of the Baldwins
Paul Walker
Nicolas Cage

2:02 PM


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